Hey you guys! I've had tumblr for ages, not knowing how to use it, but tonight i started to get the hang of it, so yeah :)
GO ON, FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR >>>> http://jbiebstheboywithswag.tumblr.com/
Thanks ♥
NeverSayNever - Justin Bieber
So, doesn't the title of this blog already tell you what this blog is going to be about? i think so.. well, if not, IT'S ALL ABOUT JUSTIN BIEBER! We all support you Justin, and will until the very end! Are you a ' belieber '? i know i am! Do you have ' Bieber Fever '? i have a serious case of it, for sure! Justin Bieber, you are amazing, i'm pretty sure over a million people out in the world, agree with me! I'm not obsessed, i just love/respect/care/and believe in him! ♥
Justin Bieber's My World Tour - Brisbane, Australia

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Come Home To Me - Justin Bieber (Ernie Halter cover) ♥
Listen to this, it is amazing! He sings, like an angel! ♥
The original by Ernie Halter, is also amazing! The song all together is just amazing! ♥
- I made the video, hope you like it :) subscribe to my channel, if you like ♥
Friday, May 20, 2011
Justin Bieber just tweeted this picture of him on the set of 'Next 2 You', filming the music video with Chris Brown ♥
Okay, so i don't know if you like my blog or not, but i'm hoping that if you've read it you like it! :) no one really comments on it, and that's all good, but i know alot of people view it, it's nearly at 2000 views! that's really exciting for me ♥ so if you can, could please spread it around for me!? i would really appreciate it ♥ TWEET IT, POST IT, LINK IT, SO WHATEVER, SPREAD THE WORD! ♥ THANKS GUYS!
I have a Twitter account, follow me on that @BieberLoveJess - http://twitter.com/#!/BieberLoveJess ♥
I got a Youtube channel, http://www.youtube.com/BieberLoveJess ♥ subscribe to my channel (i've only had it for one day, and i only have one video SO FAR)
So, thank you so much if you are going to help me out by spreading the word about my blog and all that :)
BTW: if you have a twitter account or a gmail account, you can actually follow my blog, just click the follow button at the bottom of the blog! ♥ thanks again!
Goodbye, My World tour ♥
So, everybody probably knows that Justin Bieber has officially ended his 'My World Tour'. His last show was in Tokyo, Japan last night (19/05/2011). I can bet that every single one of his shows, were amazing! Justin gave everything he had on stage, whether he was feeling well or not. He never wanted to disappoint his fans, if he it was raining, hailing, storming, the sun was shining or the moon was out lighting the night sky, he was on stage doing his thing, for his fans or should i say beliebers! He even has a chest infection towards the end of tour and he still went through we all the shows and performed like nothing was bothering him. He had a sore back at some stage of his tour and he went out on stage and sung, danced, and performed in front of thousands like absolutely nothing was wrong, even if it was killing him with pain. He is a dedicated artist and is always putting 120% into everything he does. Even if his crew didn't want to take the risk of a natural disaster reoccurring while they were in Japan, he still went and showed his support and love! He amazes me! All the countries he has visited, travelling the globe, show after show, different time zones, whether he is tired or nearly dead, he will still be up and on his feet non-stop!
We would also like to thank his crew, his crew was a massive part of his My World Tour, THANK YOU JUSTIN'S CREW, WE LOVE YOU TOO! ♥
Justin, I am proud of you! You have done so much to give back to us beliebers, and i am very proud to say i support you and believe in you! ♥ Thank you for showing me that anything is possible and teaching me that i should always follow my dreams and never give up!
NEVER SAY NEVER, i hope one day you will see my blog, i put alot of time and effort into, but it's worth everything! ♥
We would also like to thank his crew, his crew was a massive part of his My World Tour, THANK YOU JUSTIN'S CREW, WE LOVE YOU TOO! ♥
Justin, I am proud of you! You have done so much to give back to us beliebers, and i am very proud to say i support you and believe in you! ♥ Thank you for showing me that anything is possible and teaching me that i should always follow my dreams and never give up!
NEVER SAY NEVER, i hope one day you will see my blog, i put alot of time and effort into, but it's worth everything! ♥
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Justin Bieber's movie ' Never Say Never! ' ♥
Have you all got your copy of JB's movie, Never Say Never!? ♥ One of the best movies around, it's sort of like a documentary of Justin's life and his journey to success. It is such an inspirational movie, that i will never ever get sick of watching, everytime i watch it, it's like it's the first time i'm seeing it (oi, wanna know something?.. well i cry almost everytime i watch it) ♥
BUT!; i'm in Australia so Never Say Never hasn't officially come out on DVD here, which is such a shame and sucks a little! (why does Australia, always get everything last!?!?) So, i've been hearing that it doesn't officially come out in Australia till like the 13th of August, which is like a year away, well it's going to feel like it! When in America, it is already out on DVD (releasing date, Friday 13th of May) WELL, instead of waiting till like August, i decided i would order it from America! So, i did do that, last night! ♥ I AM SO EXCITED FOR IT TO COME!!! Even though i still have to wait like, 2 - 3 weeks, it is so worth it! Soon enough, Justin Bieber will be on my TV, in my lounge room, isn't that amazing!? i think it is ;) ♥
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Always follow your dreams! ♥
Never stop believing in yourself, always chase after your dreams, don't ever give up and NEVER SAY NEVER! - Justin Bieber is my inspiration and has taught me those things, and way more!
I will never stop believing in myself, cause of Justin. He gives me hope that one day, things will all go right in my life, things will turn out well in the end, even if the journey there is very rough. Having belief in yourself, reassures you that you will always trust yourself to do things for you and not from the pressures of the world. Believing in yourself is important, i picked that up along the road of life but Justin Bieber reinforced it, he showed us that he always believed in himself and that's what got him through everything, that's how he got to where he is now. ♥ An amazing place!
- Whoever is reading this, you should know that you are all beautiful in one way or another, no one may ever tell you verbally that you are, but know this ' YOU ARE! ' and i know and so should you! ♥ Believe in yourself, and trust that you will always be the best you can be for everyone including yourself!
i will chase after my dreams, no matter what. I believe dreams do come true, and Justin Bieber proved it, his dream came true and now he is living it! It is truly incredible. My dreams may be big and may seem impossible at times but i have always believed dreams come true, so one day, i hope and i believe they will! Even if only one small, little dream of mine comes true, that's okay cause at least i know a dream of mine has come true ♥ I will follow my dreams forever until, i'm gone. Justin Bieber taught me to follow me dreams and that is what i will do forever and ever. ♥
- Do you chase your dreams? Do you believe in miracles? Whether you do or don't i think you should always have an ambition in life, something to reach for and something to live by. ♥
I will never ever give up! Okay, to be completely honest with you's, i give up alot! but something i know about myself, is that i will never give up on something that is important to me, i won't just stay on the ground if i get knocked down, i will get back up and try again... it's just sometimes things get hard, things start to seems too far away, that is when i give up.. i know i shouldn't but i do! BUT i will still live to the saying, 'never give up', i will always try my hardest, i will always give it all i got and finish the fight i started, whether i lose or win, i know that i did the best i can do ♥ SO NEVER GIVE UP! A little something i like to live by. ♥
- Are you easily knocked down? if you are, do you get back up? do you finish what you start?, well you should! you should never give up! You should always give it everything! 120% ♥
I basically live by Justin Bieber's inspirational words ' NEVER SAY NEVER! ' I will never say never, i will fight until you've got everything out of me. If someone told me i wasn't good enough, i'd work hard to prove to them i'm good enough for everything and anything! ♥ No one can tell me i can't do something, cause i know if i put my mind to it, i will be able to accomplish anything! Everything is possible to me, and now that Justin Bieber is in my life (not literally, he is my inspiration and of course my celebrity crush, he so amazing in every way!) and showed the world that his dream was possible and made it a reality just proves to me even more i can do anything! and basically everything! ♥
- NEVER SAY NEVER, always believe that everything is possible, just put your mind to it and give it all you got and soon things will seem closer than they were before. ♥
Justin Bieber you are someone i look up too, you are an amazing inspiration and i don't care what people may say about you, i believe in you and nothing can change that! ♥ Thank you for everything you have taught me and thank you for showing me dreams do really come true ♥
NEVER SAY NEVER, Justin Bieber, one day will see my blog ♥
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Picture Time ❤
This isn't going to be an actually post, where i write/blog like a crazy long paragraph/s! :) but here are some pictures instead ❤
This boy, is hot! This boy has serious, swag!, This boy, has killer looks!, This boy, is amazing! There is no doubt about it, there will definitely be no discussion about this! He basically bleeds SWAG! ❤
This boy, is hot! This boy has serious, swag!, This boy, has killer looks!, This boy, is amazing! There is no doubt about it, there will definitely be no discussion about this! He basically bleeds SWAG! ❤
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Justin Bieber Songs ♥
So, I'm creating a list of Justin Bieber songs that I know. There are probably some songs that i've missed or don't list, but i'm just listing all the ones i know :)
If i have missed any and you want me to add them, let me know (comment or tweet me @BieberLoveJess) ♥
NOTE - Songs aren't in any order just randomly listed.
If i have missed any and you want me to add them, let me know (comment or tweet me @BieberLoveJess) ♥
Justin Bieber Songs:
1. Never Say Never
2. Baby
3. One Time
4. Down To Earth
5. Bigger
6. Runaway Love
7. Latin Girl
8. Favourite Girl
9. Somebody To Love
10. Love Me
11. Eenie Meenie
12. Born To Be Somebody
13. Pray
14. Pick Me
15. Ride
15. Look At Me Now
16. First Dance
17. Kiss And Tell
18. Omaha Mall
19. One Less Lonely Girl
20. Overboard
21. Common Denominator
22. U Smile
23. That Should Be Me
24. Up
25. Never Let You Go
26. Stuck In The Moment
27. Where Are You Now
28. Won't Stop
29. This Dream Is Too Good
30. Big Brown Eyes?
NOTE - Songs aren't in any order just randomly listed.
What do you think is the best thing about Justin Bieber?
So, anyone who is reading this, i wanna know what YOU think is the best thing about Justin Bieber? It can be anything, or it could be everything :) share with me and anyone else reading this blog what YOU like the most about Justin or YOU think is the best thing about him?
If you want to let me know or want me to blog it up on this blog or tweet it or 'acknowledge' it - Just tell me and i'll do it :)
All you have to do is comment below what YOU think (if you're having trouble commenting here is a link on how to http://uniqueandall.blogspot.com/2011/05/how-to-comment.html)
I'm curious to know what you all think ♥
If you want to let me know or want me to blog it up on this blog or tweet it or 'acknowledge' it - Just tell me and i'll do it :)
All you have to do is comment below what YOU think (if you're having trouble commenting here is a link on how to http://uniqueandall.blogspot.com/2011/05/how-to-comment.html)
you could even tweet it to me on twitter :) the names - @BieberLoveJess I'm curious to know what you all think ♥
Friday, May 13, 2011
Are these rumours I hear..?
I'm not that updated to be honest, with all these rumours... but from what i have heard is that there is a little rumour, going around the media somewhere, saying Justin Bieber is a brat or is arrogant? If i am correct, that this is the rumour going round.. HOW IS HE A BRAT!?
I've heard these rumours heaps of times, but i have never believed them, and i don't ever want too. I don't believe that Justin is a brat, and i am sure that he doesn't appreciate being called one. Who would like the media all over the world, telling people that 'you' are a brat... no one would. So i doubt Justin likes it. SO END THE RUMOURS, CAUSE I BET THEY AREN'T EVEN TRUE. AND FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVED THE RUMOURS, ARE YOU A TRUE BELIEBER? cause beliebers will always believe in Justin, and will not let the media or anyone change that.
As, Justin may have tweeted ' Don't make assumptions without the facts first. ' (so, i am not entirely certain those were the exact words he tweeted.. but i'm sure you get what i mean)
Justin, I support you and i believe in you, the media can say what they want.. but in the end i have the choice whether to believe it or not. I don't believe it, cause i support you and 'once a belieber, always a belieber' ♥
I've heard these rumours heaps of times, but i have never believed them, and i don't ever want too. I don't believe that Justin is a brat, and i am sure that he doesn't appreciate being called one. Who would like the media all over the world, telling people that 'you' are a brat... no one would. So i doubt Justin likes it. SO END THE RUMOURS, CAUSE I BET THEY AREN'T EVEN TRUE. AND FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVED THE RUMOURS, ARE YOU A TRUE BELIEBER? cause beliebers will always believe in Justin, and will not let the media or anyone change that.
As, Justin may have tweeted ' Don't make assumptions without the facts first. ' (so, i am not entirely certain those were the exact words he tweeted.. but i'm sure you get what i mean)
Justin, I support you and i believe in you, the media can say what they want.. but in the end i have the choice whether to believe it or not. I don't believe it, cause i support you and 'once a belieber, always a belieber' ♥
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
' We pray for Justin's recovery. We pray that Justin will feel better soon. We pray that Justin will be okay. We pray that Justin is not in pain. We pray that Justin will put his health first. We pray to you Lord, Christ. '
- In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Okay, so i know Justin is like every other human, and will get sick every now and then, but we are just showing our support for Justin by praying for him and is that a crime to support and care for Justin? Justin will get sick sometimes, and we know that.. but whenever he gets sick, beliebers are there for him, to pray, hope and support him, for full recovery from his sickness/illness. That is what Beliebers are for, we are here for Justin ♥
' We pray for Justin's recovery. We pray that Justin will feel better soon. We pray that Justin will be okay. We pray that Justin is not in pain. We pray that Justin will put his health first. We pray to you Lord, Christ. '
- In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Okay, so i know Justin is like every other human, and will get sick every now and then, but we are just showing our support for Justin by praying for him and is that a crime to support and care for Justin? Justin will get sick sometimes, and we know that.. but whenever he gets sick, beliebers are there for him, to pray, hope and support him, for full recovery from his sickness/illness. That is what Beliebers are for, we are here for Justin ♥
Dear Justin,
All us Beliebers have heard that you are sick, and we all hope you get better really soon! I also heard that you have been vomiting, which is terrible, i hate it when i vomit! Don't be too hard on yourself, if you need a rest, take a break.. the last thing we want is you getter worse, so please do everything to help yourself get better. I'm not saying this so you get better for your 'fans', I'm saying this for YOU! You, need to get better for you! I REALLY DO HOPE YOU GET BETTER JUSTIN BIEBER! Rest up Justin ♥
Justin, we are all praying for you! Put your health first, Justin!
Love; one of your Beliebers! ♥ - Jess
All us Beliebers have heard that you are sick, and we all hope you get better really soon! I also heard that you have been vomiting, which is terrible, i hate it when i vomit! Don't be too hard on yourself, if you need a rest, take a break.. the last thing we want is you getter worse, so please do everything to help yourself get better. I'm not saying this so you get better for your 'fans', I'm saying this for YOU! You, need to get better for you! I REALLY DO HOPE YOU GET BETTER JUSTIN BIEBER! Rest up Justin ♥
Justin, we are all praying for you! Put your health first, Justin!
Love; one of your Beliebers! ♥ - Jess
Dear Justin Bieber,
Please, come back to Brisbane, Australia! You were here for a concert on the 26th of April at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre, and i missed out on going. That night so depressing, i could do nothing but think about how amazing the concert would have been, how so many of my friends were there in the same room as you, watching you on stage doing your thing! Just seeing you on stage would have made tears of happiness run down my face. Even just knowing you were in the same city as me, made me get real excited! I was like literally jumping up and down, when i heard you had landed in Brisbane, which i heard you did on the afternoon of Monday 25th of April, which in fact was incorrect.. cause you had a secret getaway to Bali (good sneaking skills, i have to commend you on.. no one ever knew!), so really i got excited for you being in the same city as, me when you weren't even in the same country as me :( You actually arrived on the same day as your concert here, just about 2 hours from the beginning of it. When my friend told me you had landed, my heart started racing, my face had the biggest smile on it and i could not stop moving. I was pretty much the most excited i have ever been in my life, if you saw me it would have looked like i was going to your concert. I facebooked about it, tweeted about, talked about it over and over again, and when people asked me if i was going to the concert, it was so heart-breaking that i had to say no, i wasn't! but i did tell them, how much i wanted to! If i went it would have been the greatest night of my living days, i would never forget that night.. It would have been the bestest memory! The next day, at school, whenever i saw someone that i knew went to your concert, i ran up to them and asked them how it was! ' Oh My Gosh, How was the concert!? How was Justin Bieber!? I bet he was amazing!, what songs did he sing!?, WHO WAS THE ONE LESS LONELY GIRL!? ' all these questions and lots more came out of my mouth... (sorry those poeple i asked, i was a little in your face i have to admit) All their responses were basically the same. 'He was amazing!' 'He sang, Love Me, One Time, Baby......' 'The one less lonely girl was not me.. but this blonde chick with a helicopter hat..' Those were the answers i got HAHA! All my friends also mentioned that they were seriously jealous of the 'One Less Lonely Girl' and of course so was i!, Imagine if i was the OLLG, i would have no clue what to do, i would not stop smiling, i'd be tearing up and i would just cherish the moment FOREVER! Justin, it is so cute and amazing that you can make girls feel that way, make them feel special and loved just by listening to your songs... to be totally honest, i feel very special, loved, cared for whenever i listen to your songs, which is like all the time. A guy has never made me feel nice about myself, and that's okay.. but i'm glad your songs can make me feel that way! ♥ So, if I actually went to your concert, i would not have been able to sleep for days, not stop thinking about it for months and not stop talking about it for like a year. (that was a little bit of an over exaggeration, but you get me, don't you?) PLEASE COME BACK TO BRISBANE, I KNOW A TONS OF BELIEBERS THAT WANT YOU TO COME BACK TO BRISBANE, I AM ONE OF THEM ! . We have all been voting on this poll > http://www.thehothits.com/news/23501/bring-justin-bieber-back-to-australia---sign-the-petition-here < for you to come to Brisbane, we want to win so badly! Trust me, we are going to win ♥
Alright, so i read this again to myself and thought about it... I sound real obsessed, don't I? Well i am being completely honest when i say this, ' I AM NOT OBSESSED ' there is a fine line between what i am and being obsessed.. :)
Follow me on twitter guys, my twitter name is : BieberLoveJess ♥
Please, come back to Brisbane, Australia! You were here for a concert on the 26th of April at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre, and i missed out on going. That night so depressing, i could do nothing but think about how amazing the concert would have been, how so many of my friends were there in the same room as you, watching you on stage doing your thing! Just seeing you on stage would have made tears of happiness run down my face. Even just knowing you were in the same city as me, made me get real excited! I was like literally jumping up and down, when i heard you had landed in Brisbane, which i heard you did on the afternoon of Monday 25th of April, which in fact was incorrect.. cause you had a secret getaway to Bali (good sneaking skills, i have to commend you on.. no one ever knew!), so really i got excited for you being in the same city as, me when you weren't even in the same country as me :( You actually arrived on the same day as your concert here, just about 2 hours from the beginning of it. When my friend told me you had landed, my heart started racing, my face had the biggest smile on it and i could not stop moving. I was pretty much the most excited i have ever been in my life, if you saw me it would have looked like i was going to your concert. I facebooked about it, tweeted about, talked about it over and over again, and when people asked me if i was going to the concert, it was so heart-breaking that i had to say no, i wasn't! but i did tell them, how much i wanted to! If i went it would have been the greatest night of my living days, i would never forget that night.. It would have been the bestest memory! The next day, at school, whenever i saw someone that i knew went to your concert, i ran up to them and asked them how it was! ' Oh My Gosh, How was the concert!? How was Justin Bieber!? I bet he was amazing!, what songs did he sing!?, WHO WAS THE ONE LESS LONELY GIRL!? ' all these questions and lots more came out of my mouth... (sorry those poeple i asked, i was a little in your face i have to admit) All their responses were basically the same. 'He was amazing!' 'He sang, Love Me, One Time, Baby......' 'The one less lonely girl was not me.. but this blonde chick with a helicopter hat..' Those were the answers i got HAHA! All my friends also mentioned that they were seriously jealous of the 'One Less Lonely Girl' and of course so was i!, Imagine if i was the OLLG, i would have no clue what to do, i would not stop smiling, i'd be tearing up and i would just cherish the moment FOREVER! Justin, it is so cute and amazing that you can make girls feel that way, make them feel special and loved just by listening to your songs... to be totally honest, i feel very special, loved, cared for whenever i listen to your songs, which is like all the time. A guy has never made me feel nice about myself, and that's okay.. but i'm glad your songs can make me feel that way! ♥ So, if I actually went to your concert, i would not have been able to sleep for days, not stop thinking about it for months and not stop talking about it for like a year. (that was a little bit of an over exaggeration, but you get me, don't you?) PLEASE COME BACK TO BRISBANE, I KNOW A TONS OF BELIEBERS THAT WANT YOU TO COME BACK TO BRISBANE, I AM ONE OF THEM ! . We have all been voting on this poll > http://www.thehothits.com/news/23501/bring-justin-bieber-back-to-australia---sign-the-petition-here < for you to come to Brisbane, we want to win so badly! Trust me, we are going to win ♥
Alright, so i read this again to myself and thought about it... I sound real obsessed, don't I? Well i am being completely honest when i say this, ' I AM NOT OBSESSED ' there is a fine line between what i am and being obsessed.. :)
Follow me on twitter guys, my twitter name is : BieberLoveJess ♥
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Never Say Never, Dreams Really Do Come True ♥
' there's gonna be times when people say you can't live your dream ', but Justin Bieber taught me to NEVER SAY NEVER! ♥
I will never stop following my dreams and believing in myself, cause of Justin Bieber, he has inspired me to never give up, to never back down and to always give it a shot. I will always try things, and try not to be afraid of failure. Cause even though you may have failed, you at least know you tried your best to succeed. knowing that you gave it your all, is sometimes enough to overcome the fact of failure. ♥
I will always try to live my dream! cause one day it may come true, just like Justin Bieber's did!
Thanks Justin ! ♥
I will never stop following my dreams and believing in myself, cause of Justin Bieber, he has inspired me to never give up, to never back down and to always give it a shot. I will always try things, and try not to be afraid of failure. Cause even though you may have failed, you at least know you tried your best to succeed. knowing that you gave it your all, is sometimes enough to overcome the fact of failure. ♥
I will always try to live my dream! cause one day it may come true, just like Justin Bieber's did!
Thanks Justin ! ♥
Saturday, May 7, 2011
First Step 2 Forever: My Story - Justin Bieber ♥
So, i finished reading Justin Bieber's book 'First Step 2 Forever: My Story' and honestly, the book was amazing! I loved it so bloody much! I seriously would not get sick of reading it, i could read it over and over again and not get sick of it. It is really inspirational, his story.. he had a dream, a big dream, he never gave up and one day things all went to place and now he is living his dream. Imagine that, that could happen to anyone of us. It gives everyone hope, that one day their dreams could come true. NEVER SAY NEVER. He only was from a small town, and now he is travelling the world for his My World Tour. That is incredible. His book is about how he sees his life, and things that he encountered, liked going for his drivers permit, which he failed at first :( .. but the second time, he was all over it and got it! :) now that i'm thinking about driving, i seriously can't wait till i get my L's! haha (thought i might share).
The book is loaded with pictures or him, his crew and his concerts. I love looking through all the photos! and 'quotes' ♥
So, if you haven't already got his book, or read it. I highly suggest you do, cause it is worth reading. Quite amazing! ♥
The book is loaded with pictures or him, his crew and his concerts. I love looking through all the photos! and 'quotes' ♥
So, if you haven't already got his book, or read it. I highly suggest you do, cause it is worth reading. Quite amazing! ♥
the boy's got sway.
There is this one boy, he is seventeen (17), he is amazing, he has millions of fans (aka Beliebers) who support and believe in him, he is my inspiration, he is so hot, he has amazing talent for singing and dancing, he is on a My World Tour doing altogether 117 concerts, he loves his fans, he has 4 albums, he has more than like 30 songs, he's got 1 movie, he is so sweet, and man, he's got SWAG.... you know him!?
haters will hate.
' Haters are gonna hate ' yeah we all know this.. but what's the point of hating, it achieves nothing. All those people hating on Justin Bieber, why? why do you 'hate' Justin Bieber? Unless you can tell me why you 'hate' him and it is reasonable and understandable, then i will accept the fact you 'hate' him. But if it's just some ridiculous excuse like 'Cause he's gay'.. you will lose my respect for you. Cause he is not gay, and you have no right to say he is! It is just disrespectful, i can accept and understand the fact that people will not like things or maybe other people, but that doesn't mean you have any right to disrespect them. Respect is something needed in sociality no question about it. It is what keeps harmony within out world. So i am sick of people bagging out others with judgements, that may not even be true! And i am sick of people being rude about/to Justin Bieber.. I am not making this out thing about Justin, but i know many people do disrespect him. Like what is throwing eggs at him while he is on stage, going to achieve especially if everyone of them MISS him and his dancers. ' Nice one mate. ' Now Australia has a little reputation of 'the place where Justin Bieber got egged' .. so not cool!
So, what i'm trying to say is.. you can 'hate' that's fine, but along with hate, comes respect and if you respect, you can hate, but if you can't learn to respect, nor should you hate!
Same goes for judging, ' don't judge a book by it's cover ' .. you can 'judge', that's all good, but make sure before you are too quick to 'fully judge' find the proof.. Judge from what you know, and not from what you think or see.
<3 . laters '
P.S - i actually don't really know if some of what i just wrote made complete sense.. so sorry :\
So, what i'm trying to say is.. you can 'hate' that's fine, but along with hate, comes respect and if you respect, you can hate, but if you can't learn to respect, nor should you hate!
Same goes for judging, ' don't judge a book by it's cover ' .. you can 'judge', that's all good, but make sure before you are too quick to 'fully judge' find the proof.. Judge from what you know, and not from what you think or see.
<3 . laters '
P.S - i actually don't really know if some of what i just wrote made complete sense.. so sorry :\
Friday, May 6, 2011
How To Comment.
Some people have asked me how to comment, so here you go..
go to this link >>>
http://uniqueandall.blogspot.com/2011/05/how-to-comment.html <<<
Instructions on how to comment, if you're having trouble.. you can tweet me, if you got twitter that is.
My Twitter Name : BieberLoveJess
<3 thanks!
go to this link >>>
http://uniqueandall.blogspot.com/2011/05/how-to-comment.html <<<
Instructions on how to comment, if you're having trouble.. you can tweet me, if you got twitter that is.
My Twitter Name : BieberLoveJess
<3 thanks!
I admit!
So, i have many confessions to share, and i'm not ashamed of these confession, cause to me, they are good confessions!
1. I admit, that i have 'Bieber Fever', real bad.. It is uncurable! ❤
2. Justin Bieber is my inspiration, and i'm happy that he is! ❤
3. If i actually met Justin Bieber, i would have no idea what to do, and i'd just smile at him! ❤
4. I'm proud to say i'm a Belieber! ❤
5. I am proud to say i'm Christian, cause i think its nice to have something to believe in. ❤
6. My room is not completely covered in Justin Bieber posters, you can still see alot of the actually 'wall', but i do have about 10 posters up of him. ❤
7. If i hear someone say 'Justin Bieber' i will always look, to see who said it, and what they are saying.
8. I do defend Justin Bieber, if someone says something negative or mean about him! but haters, are gonna hate, and that's fine.. Just don't disrespect. ❤
9. I don't get sick of seeing or looking at Justin Bieber! ❤
10. His songs make me feel special. The closest i've gotten to a guy making me feel special or good about myself, is when i listen to Justin Bieber songs.. That may be a little sad to some, but hey, it's the truth. ❤
11. If i ever got a tattoo, it would have to be of something, symbolising 'hope' ❤
12. Cause of Justin Bieber, i go by the saying 'Never Say Never!' ❤
13. I don't 'hate' anyone, but i stronger dislike some people..
14. If someone hurt my feelings, i probably would never tell them, i'd just live with the hurt..
15. I believe that happiness can rub onto other people around you, really quick, but sadness can rub onto other people even quicker..
16. If someone says they 'love me', i'd tell them i love them back. ❤
17. If Justin Bieber followed me on twitter, i'd probably never stop smiling.. i'd be happy forever and ever. ❤
18. It doesn't take too much, to make me feel bad about myself. I feel guilt alot...
19. Justin Bieber's name is like the fastest thing i can type, besides my own name.. ❤
20. I like to help people, it makes me feel good about myself, that i've helped someone.. for the better and not for something in return. ❤
Those are twenty of my confessions.. twelve of them being about Justin Bieber, but hey, don't judge! ❤
1. I admit, that i have 'Bieber Fever', real bad.. It is uncurable! ❤
2. Justin Bieber is my inspiration, and i'm happy that he is! ❤
3. If i actually met Justin Bieber, i would have no idea what to do, and i'd just smile at him! ❤
4. I'm proud to say i'm a Belieber! ❤
5. I am proud to say i'm Christian, cause i think its nice to have something to believe in. ❤
6. My room is not completely covered in Justin Bieber posters, you can still see alot of the actually 'wall', but i do have about 10 posters up of him. ❤
7. If i hear someone say 'Justin Bieber' i will always look, to see who said it, and what they are saying.
8. I do defend Justin Bieber, if someone says something negative or mean about him! but haters, are gonna hate, and that's fine.. Just don't disrespect. ❤
9. I don't get sick of seeing or looking at Justin Bieber! ❤
10. His songs make me feel special. The closest i've gotten to a guy making me feel special or good about myself, is when i listen to Justin Bieber songs.. That may be a little sad to some, but hey, it's the truth. ❤
11. If i ever got a tattoo, it would have to be of something, symbolising 'hope' ❤
12. Cause of Justin Bieber, i go by the saying 'Never Say Never!' ❤
13. I don't 'hate' anyone, but i stronger dislike some people..
14. If someone hurt my feelings, i probably would never tell them, i'd just live with the hurt..
15. I believe that happiness can rub onto other people around you, really quick, but sadness can rub onto other people even quicker..
16. If someone says they 'love me', i'd tell them i love them back. ❤
17. If Justin Bieber followed me on twitter, i'd probably never stop smiling.. i'd be happy forever and ever. ❤
18. It doesn't take too much, to make me feel bad about myself. I feel guilt alot...
19. Justin Bieber's name is like the fastest thing i can type, besides my own name.. ❤
20. I like to help people, it makes me feel good about myself, that i've helped someone.. for the better and not for something in return. ❤
Those are twenty of my confessions.. twelve of them being about Justin Bieber, but hey, don't judge! ❤
Thursday, May 5, 2011
oh, how the world loves you!
So, i'm pretty sure, that you (Justin Bieber) know that the world LOVES YOU! millions and millions of Beliebers are with you everyday, screaming for you, talking of you, reading about you, fantasising about you, imagining what would happen if they met you, thinking about you all day long.. That's alot to take! But hey, i bet it's your life and what you've been going through all year... am i right?
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Why do you love Justin Bieber!? - comment why ♥
Why do you not, love Justin Bieber!? - comment why.. </3
Why do you 'hate' Justin Bieber!? - comment why!
- Go on, tell me why you love, or hate Justin Bieber!? Or you can just tell me, what you think of him, i'm eager to find out, what all you guys think..?
Why do you not, love Justin Bieber!? - comment why.. </3
Why do you 'hate' Justin Bieber!? - comment why!
- Go on, tell me why you love, or hate Justin Bieber!? Or you can just tell me, what you think of him, i'm eager to find out, what all you guys think..?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Justin, you really care! ♥
Justin Bieber, i just watched you on ACA (A Current Affairs); your story with Casey and what you did for him at your Melbourne concert, was truely amazing, that was so kind of you to do that! Casey, must have been so thank you and grateful for that opportunity you gave him, to come on stage with you! That story really did touch my heart, and also millions of people everywhere. You do really care and you just proved it, tracking down Casey, and inviting him and personally talking to him, you are so kind and sweet, and cute (i could go on forever). And Casey, your story was so inspirational.. you standing up for yourself, fighting back and basically saying 'ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!' putting an end, to the bullying! That really, was so great of you, so many people around the world have heard about your story and are really moved by it, i am one of those people. It was 'WOW!'. Thank you, Casey for doing that, sending a message out to everyone, that bullying is definately not okay! I agree fully with that ' BULLYING IS NOT OKAY, AND NEVER WILL BE! ' I've experienced my fair share of bullying, and i did not like it one bit, it didn't make me stronger, cause i never faught back, i just let them do it to me! Now i know, that i can fight back and try and make an end to it all, i can win the battle, and stand up for myself! THANK YOU FOR THAT CASEY AND JUSTIN! ♥
- Justin Bieber, you're heart is one of gold, you have a true heart, one fulled with care and compassion! You inspire so many, and thank you so much for enforcing that bully is not okay, and it should be stopped fully! Sharing with the world, that you were bullied too and found it hard to make friends, was so sad! Cause for who you are now today, a superstar!, most famous teenager on the globe, is something so hard to believe, especially from your Beliebers, cause trust us, we would have been your friends ♥ YOU'RE HEART IS SO TRUE AND PURE ! ♥ i've never heard of a celebrity as famous as you, do something that spectacular, that heartly and that great! it was truely amazing ♥
You are both very inspirational to so many Beliebers and non-Beliebers out there! ♥
' My World Tour ' - Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber is doing, 85 concerts (I'm pretty sure) for his ' My World Tour ' for a whole six months.. WOW, that is some really hard work; he has a really remarkable career. Travelling from place to place, country to country, state to state.. Just imagine all the places he has been and all the things he has seen and the experiences he has encountered for those six months, it is quite amazing! He works so hard and of course so does all of this crew, but at the same time, i bet they are all having the time of their lives! Before he can do all his concerts and amaze all his Beliebers, he has to rehearse and rehearse like so many times, till they can all do it in their sleeps... i tell you, that's a lot of rehearsing! Then for every concert he does, they have to set up the stage the way they need it to be, and make sure all the lighting and effects are running smoothly... and basically well, i'm pretty sure before every concert, he has to do sound check! So alot of hard work and effort gets put into his concerts, and i know that all the Beliebers, APPRECIATE IT and are SO GLAD YOU DO IT FOR US! THANK YOU, JUSTIN BIEBER AND CREW! All your concerts, are amazing in every way, and millions of Beliebers are so happy you do put all the effort and work into making, every single concert, absolutely incredible! - so speaking of, i actually haven't been to any of your concerts Justin, and i am like real depressed about that fact, but i know for another fact that they are amazing! I've heard it, seen it, imagined it and basically i know it! :) So, all you lucky Beliebers, who have gone to one of his concerts, I am pretty JEALOUS!.. but NEVER SAY NEVER, cause one day, i'll go to his concert, meet him, he'll follow me on twitter, and he will notice me ♥ that day will be the absolute, best day of my entire life time, i know for sure! ♥
So this post is really just about this concerts, and how i think about them so much, cause i want to go so badly! the night of the concert, in my city.. i just sat on facebook reading posts about how my friends we counting down and posting how they are so exciting.. and i was ready to cry! :( When it started no one was on facebook, so i spent the rest of the night.. youtubing Justin Bieber, watching so many things of him... it wasn't all that bad, but the concert would have been a million times better! Just seeing him would make me cry, tears of true happiness! ♥
- Justin Bieber, if you ever read this, which i hope you will one day, i really do, dream about meeting you one day. You seem like a very down to earth, sweet, caring, loving, kind, amazing individual, and i think meeting you in person, would be a really mind-blowing experience, which i will never forget, till the day i die! .. Just to let you know, i basically live by your saying ' NEVER SAY NEVER ' It really does inspire me ♥ Thank you so much!
Thanks for reading, those who have read.. haha ♥
So this post is really just about this concerts, and how i think about them so much, cause i want to go so badly! the night of the concert, in my city.. i just sat on facebook reading posts about how my friends we counting down and posting how they are so exciting.. and i was ready to cry! :( When it started no one was on facebook, so i spent the rest of the night.. youtubing Justin Bieber, watching so many things of him... it wasn't all that bad, but the concert would have been a million times better! Just seeing him would make me cry, tears of true happiness! ♥
- Justin Bieber, if you ever read this, which i hope you will one day, i really do, dream about meeting you one day. You seem like a very down to earth, sweet, caring, loving, kind, amazing individual, and i think meeting you in person, would be a really mind-blowing experience, which i will never forget, till the day i die! .. Just to let you know, i basically live by your saying ' NEVER SAY NEVER ' It really does inspire me ♥ Thank you so much!
Thanks for reading, those who have read.. haha ♥
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