So, i have many confessions to share, and i'm not ashamed of these confession, cause to me, they are good confessions!
1. I admit, that i have 'Bieber Fever', real bad.. It is uncurable! ❤
2. Justin Bieber is my inspiration, and i'm happy that he is! ❤
3. If i actually met Justin Bieber, i would have no idea what to do, and i'd just smile at him! ❤
4. I'm proud to say i'm a Belieber! ❤
5. I am proud to say i'm Christian, cause i think its nice to have something to believe in. ❤
6. My room is not completely covered in Justin Bieber posters, you can still see alot of the actually 'wall', but i do have about 10 posters up of him. ❤
7. If i hear someone say 'Justin Bieber' i will always look, to see who said it, and what they are saying.
8. I do defend Justin Bieber, if someone says something negative or mean about him! but haters, are gonna hate, and that's fine.. Just don't disrespect. ❤
9. I don't get sick of seeing or looking at Justin Bieber! ❤
10. His songs make me feel special. The closest i've gotten to a guy making me feel special or good about myself, is when i listen to Justin Bieber songs.. That may be a little sad to some, but hey, it's the truth. ❤
11. If i ever got a tattoo, it would have to be of something, symbolising 'hope' ❤
12. Cause of Justin Bieber, i go by the saying 'Never Say Never!' ❤
13. I don't 'hate' anyone, but i stronger dislike some people..
14. If someone hurt my feelings, i probably would never tell them, i'd just live with the hurt..
15. I believe that happiness can rub onto other people around you, really quick, but sadness can rub onto other people even quicker..
16. If someone says they 'love me', i'd tell them i love them back. ❤
17. If Justin Bieber followed me on twitter, i'd probably never stop smiling.. i'd be happy forever and ever. ❤
18. It doesn't take too much, to make me feel bad about myself. I feel guilt alot...
19. Justin Bieber's name is like the fastest thing i can type, besides my own name.. ❤
20. I like to help people, it makes me feel good about myself, that i've helped someone.. for the better and not for something in return. ❤
Those are twenty of my confessions.. twelve of them being about Justin Bieber, but hey, don't judge! ❤
So, doesn't the title of this blog already tell you what this blog is going to be about? i think so.. well, if not, IT'S ALL ABOUT JUSTIN BIEBER! We all support you Justin, and will until the very end! Are you a ' belieber '? i know i am! Do you have ' Bieber Fever '? i have a serious case of it, for sure! Justin Bieber, you are amazing, i'm pretty sure over a million people out in the world, agree with me! I'm not obsessed, i just love/respect/care/and believe in him! ♥
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