Justin Bieber's My World Tour - Brisbane, Australia

Justin Bieber's My World Tour - Brisbane, Australia

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Okay, so in this blog i will throw in 'alot' of 'BieberFacts' every now and then... when actaully probably like everyday or so.. but yeah. If you have twitter you would know #bieberfact , is actually a trend and many Beliebers tweet #bieberfacts .. so if i find any BieberFacts from twitter, i will post them up on this blog regularly! So keep a tabs on this blog for heaps of BieberFacts, and soon you'll know alot more about Bieber himself, than you use too! ;)

Here's a BieberFact for all you haters out there!
BieberFact- Int: "got any messages for haters?" Justin: "erm..HATE MY FANS AND I'LL BREAK YOUR FACE! Just kidding"
So you haters out there, WATCH YOURSELF, soon enough ' he'll have to break your face! '
Okay, i don't hate the haters out there, i believe everyone is entitled to their own opinions and thoughts, so if you dislike or hate (very strong word..) Justin Bieber, so be it.. but don't go dising him in rude and offensive ways! Also, don't go out and start putting people down who love Justin, they're entitled to their own opinions and thoughts too you know! Some haters, are stupid enough to start teasing and making fun of the people who like/love/care/respect him, SO NOT COOL! DON'T OR I'LL COME BREAK YOUR FACE!
So many beliebers support Justin through thin and think, and that is something very special, they are massive fans and they will keep helping making his dream become a reality. Justin Bieber is one lucky teenager, to have millions of fans (or should i say Beliebers) being there for him every step of the way and always going crazy over him. He must feel like a special guy! AND all those lucky girls who have got the chance to meet him, i am very jealous ♥

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